
Products & Services

Advanced Medical Technology

Provide global innovative, effective and easy-to-use medical products to help medical institutions reduce the burden on medical staff and reduce possible harm to patients, and make treatment more effective through innovative technologies. The solutions centered on medical results are expected to bring higher medical quality to medical institutions, improve medical capacity, and serve more patients in need.

Long-term Care & Rehabilitation

Introducing AI artificial intelligence, gamification training, leading technology aids, user-centered consideration, and providing the services users need most. For degeneration, specific diseases and postoperative patients, we provide more accurate and scientific methods to improve the rehabilitation effect, and supplement with innovative assistive devices to improve the living ability of patients, so that patients can return to daily life as soon as possible, and even achieve “self-care” The goal is to reduce the burden on caregivers.

Healthy & Life

Bring users: (1) a safer living environment. (2) Healthier body balance program. (3) The maintenance program of daily health regimen. Through daily maintenance, healthy people can maintain their health and slow down the development of chronic diseases from the physical condition of the “sub-healthy” group, so that everyone can have a higher quality of life.

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